Jan 26Liked by John Scotto

Nihilistic antipathy has been the course. It's not likely to reverse without shock therapy. Most people are too afraid to lose their place at a shrinking table to do anything about it. They, don't understand they are the meal and not a guest.

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When told the people here practice systemic racism i respond saying our problem is systemic nihilism.

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Jan 26Liked by John Scotto

Believe it or not those "so called" leftist embrace queer theology. They call it queer theory, but it is their religion and includes their sacrament of baby sacrifice. For quite some time i have been saying Sodom and Gomorrah has nothing on things here in "Los Uniteds" , formerly the United States of America. And no, i am not xenophobic. I simply believe borders define a nation and we have an obligation to protect our nation and to ensure the continued defense and support of our constitution. May the Lord have mercy on us.

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Apathy and nihilism has destroyed this country and others. One main problem is unrestrained illegal immigration from third world illiterate countries of people (welfare seekers) who unlikley will ever work and pay into the system. This country has been taken down without a shot fired. Less than three percent of adults are even informed about UNagenda 2030, WEF, sold out politicians, and why we are being invaded with those who will replace us turning this country into a hell hole Marxist state under UN agenda 2030 enslavement.

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Globalism is a vile disease. America is lost, immigration without assimilation is an invasion which results in colonization. Most American citizens refuse to believe they are being replaced.

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The are afraid of being called racists (I call them cowards for not taking a stand).

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Most people engaged in social media, TV sports and other trivia and never ask why this is happening or try to search for answers. My social circle now (small) has only likeminded informed folks. Now days I have no time for dimwits. I narrowed down my contacts during covid when many morons joined the C cult club taking the bio weapon injections.

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“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution” -Aldous Huxley-

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Texas gov. stands up now to article 4 section 4 right to defend borders since Biden refuses. Will not allow barb wire removed, adding more. NYC mayor says not taking any more migrants city over run, kids kicked out of school to make shelters for migrants. Also, younger generations (majority) don't seem to care about anything, so maybe gov. is doing this now w/ some type of drug in drinks or food- in school and college diningrooms. Apathy is the norm in senior centers and even middle aged. One man said non spiritual people won't be enlightened to whats wrong and lack critical thinking, and trusting those in office (either party). Hopefully we won't see the end run to enslavement (ages 78 and 81) likeminded friends are retirees. I believe it is happening now, Elections won't fix anything at this point, and we won't be participating in that circus for fools.

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Soma ? !

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26Author

Maybe he’s referring to Leftist Koolaid :)

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Since most people (75%) drink coffee in the U.S., a drug may be in coffee packs. I wonder why there are lots of sales on coffee ongoing. I am a tea drinker, incl ice tea. Maybe covid shots added a drug to mentally dull the masses who took shots. This would be the ideal drink if the gov. was doing that. There are so many dull people it is baffling. Recent years , we chose to live a reclusive life, incl home church.

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And yet those who mandated the dangerous and deadly "response" continue to pontificate while enjoying all the rewards of privileged overlords. In a just society they would be tried and sentenced for their horrible crimes against humanity.

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"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” -Benjamin Franklin-

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Theyve been given a great delusion in order to continue their narcissistic hedonism.

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They will line up to be chipped and pushed into 15 min cities into tiny apts. monitored 24/7, no travel outside each city.

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